Thursday, September 1, 2011


Pictures to come soon but had to let you know:

Addilyn Maxiene Allen arrived on Saturday, August 27th at 5:02 pm. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was a whopping 22 inches long.

Still trying to figure out how that long body fit in my belly and now know why it felt like she was pushing on my ribs and the inside of my hip at the same time :)

Here's the story:
I finished my last day of going out to see clients for work on Wednesday. It was a very long day and I spent most of the time sitting on the floor- not the most comfortable position when you're 39 1/2 weeks pregnant. I got home at about 5 and assumed my usual position of laying on the couch and propping my feet up. Around 7 I started to feel contractions, real contractions, not Braxton-Hicks contractions, or at least I was pretty sure they were real because they hurt a lot more. They came off and on and by the time we got in bed at 12 they were pretty regular at every 10 minutes. Oh we were so excited! We were going to have a baby soon! I slept through most of the contractions and finally got up at about 6 am. Dustin texted his mom and dad to let them know that labor had started. Contractions were still about 10 minutes apart but not too painfull. Dustin ran around taking directions from me and putting everything in our hospital bag.

To be continued...


Eric and Jenny said...

Congratulations Kim! I am so happy for you...I bet you are the sweetest mom.

HOpe everybody is doing well and adjusting to your new little daughter. I can't wait to see pictures, I am sure she is so beautiful.

Marinda said...

When do we get to hear the rest of the story? Love all three of you Allens and I hope Dustin had a happy b-day!