Saturday, September 24, 2011

1 Month

I can't believe my baby girl is one month old already! So this is what I want to remember about my dear sweet girl at this age.

You are such a sweet baby. I love watching you when you sleep. Every once in a while the sweetest smile will creep across your face or you will let out what sounds like a giggle. I love that when I change your diaper you don't cry or scream or fuss (unless you are particularly hungry), you just stare at the poke-a-dots on the sign with your name on it and make sweet cooing and grunting noises.

I love how your cheeks are getting a little chub to them now and how you have the perfect little chin. I love how your mouth drops open and your bottom lip sticks out when you sleep, just like your daddy.

I have the feeling that you are getting spoiled by being held all the time since you now have times when you fuss if you're anywhere but in our arms but your dad and I just can't help it. You are so snuggly and sweet.

Nursing has not gone as smoothly as I would have hoped but when you cooperate I love hearing the sweet satisfied cooing noises and when hold my finger while you're eating. I love how comfy you look laying on my shoulder and how you always fall asleep when I try to burp you and look like you are just so content.

I wonder what you will look like as you grow. Will those dark dark blue eyes turn to brown like your dads or will they stay a blueish-greenish-grayish like mine? Will your hair keep the little wave it has now and be curly? Will your hair ever grow or will you stay bald forever like I did when I was a baby? I wonder what you will be like too. Will you stay so sweet or is a storm of colic in my future? Are you going to be stubborn or sweet? What will make you laugh?

In a few short weeks my time with you will start to shrink as I head back to work. I hope you will never resent me for doing this. I love being your mom and maybe someday that will be my only job but for now I will leave you in the loving hands of your daddy. I know that he will take such good care of you and that you will both benefit from spending this time together.

I hope you know that we hoped, dreamed and prayed for you before you were even born. You are our dream come true and never doubt that you are loved.

Your Mommy


Eric and Jenny said...

Oh Kim I need to go find a kleenex. Your love for her is so evident, what beautiful words to your daughter. I have a feeling you are one amazing mother. 1 month old already, my time flies. She is so beautiful, I don't blame you one bit for spoiling her with loves, who could put that little sweetheart down!

Marinda said...

I love this sweet little girl and I can't wait to meet her! When I grow up (or rather, out), I want to be as wonderful a mom as you are Kim! Sounds like you have the perfect baby!

The Pollard Family said...

Kim I love this! What a lucky mom your baby has:) I'm glad things continue to go well for you guys. She is beautiful!Doesn't time just slip away once they come out?