Sunday, November 27, 2011

3 months

Addilyn at 3 months
I can't believe how fast this little girl is growing up! At church today everyone said how big she has gotten and it's so true!

She is getting a little less cuddly and wants to sit up like a big girl more and more. I love watching her sit on her dad's lap. She just looks like his little buddy and is so content to watch whatever daddy is doing and explore her new favorite toy- hands. I often will hear her smacking down on her hands from her room or swing. She also loves holding mommy and daddy's hands and sometimes will not fall asleep unless she has a hold of a finger in each hand.

Snuggling with Daddy

She is now sleeping in her crib rather than the swing, which is a good thing because she's such a wiggly thing I was sure she was going to jump out of it. She is a wiggly thing in her crib too. I have found her in about a million different positions every time I go to get her out of bed including having her feet sticking through the slats, laying sideways with her head and feet bumping the sides, and turned a complete 180 from how I put her in, but her favorite is laying on her side with a hand in her mouth.

She is the happiest little girl ever! Well, about 90% of the time. We made it through her first cold this month. Mostly she was still her smiley self, she just couldn't breath very well. We recently discovered that she is ticklish and we're having lots of fun getting her to giggle. She must be camera shy though because I can't ever get her to do it when we're on the video chat with the family.

Addi with a cold

I am so grateful for technology! We got to talk to both of Dustin's brothers who returned home from their missions last week and my family on Thanksgiving. Last year our trip home for Thanksgiving was a whirl-wind and then we turned around and flew back home 2 weeks later. It was crazy enough with just the 2 of us last year so we decided that there was no way we were going to try that with a 3 month old. So we had our own little Thanksgiving and I have to say it turned out just perfect. I was so nervous to cook the turkey but it turned out great.

The Turkey!
Our Thanksgiving spread

Showing off her Thanksgiving Outfit from Aunt Kaylee

Watching Mom and Dad cook dinner

And we will be traveling to Utah soon! So excited for Addilyn to meet all her aunts, uncles, cousins, and honorary aunts! Until then here are some more pictures of our sweet girl to tide everyone over.

She feels the same way I do about 9 o'clock church!
Loving those fingers
Sitting up so big!

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